9of.us: Chris and Paul with armor
9of.us: bow and arrow
9of.us: Paul and the theater lights
9of.us: Paul behind the light controls
9of.us: guns in the Hommes theater
9of.us: the famous basement Hommes theater
9of.us: Chris examining Paul's homemade chain maille
9of.us: Chris and Paul
9of.us: View from the top
9of.us: waterfall on the hike
9of.us: Paul and Sean at the top
9of.us: DSC_0132
9of.us: Paul and Chris approaching the top
9of.us: DSC_0133
9of.us: DSC_0141
9of.us: Paul Hommes and Chris in the fog
9of.us: Chris and Paul finishing th ehike to the top of the mountain
9of.us: cool trees
9of.us: Chris and Sean in the mountains
9of.us: Sean on the phone
9of.us: Sean
9of.us: still on the phone
9of.us: costumes in the Hommes theater
9of.us: Sean and Chris
9of.us: Chris on the Oregon coast