Minoxit: Shopping galleries in Krakow
Max Aleshin: Img811_11326
Metin Colak: All Alone
jayneboo: Swan Lake
marco.stphane: Apolline cheveux au vent.
marco.stphane: Apolline regarde un chien. Penhors, Bretagne.
marco.stphane: Partie de cerf-volant à Penhors, en Bretagne.
Trix-Pix: Lauterbrunnen/Stechelberg
marco.stphane: Partie de cerf-volant à Penhors, en Bretagne (2).
xicaradecafe2: Ondas prateadas
Punkrocker*: Tokyo - Ginza
i-lenticularis (NO GRAPHICS): Orographic cloud forming (infrared)
raota: Zeiss Biogon 28mm; Leica screw mount
BartmanSA: Ektar - Leica-6
scarbrog: Hot sausage (Ektar 100)
toddgriggs14: Glencoe and the black cullins in Scotland
toddgriggs14: Glencoe and the black cullins in Scotland
toddgriggs14: Glencoe and the black cullins in Scotland
matthias.ripp: Pleasure
Matthieu Robinet: Gljúfrafoss.
joana dueñas: Iceland Stockness