Janet 59: So many things arriving
Janet 59: Which way do people go?
Janet 59: Marquees are springing up all over the park!
Janet 59: Getting ready for the Show
Janet 59: Stunt riders
Janet 59: Cavies aka guinea pigs
Janet 59: My lunch!
Janet 59: Big goats
Janet 59: Pygmy goats
Janet 59: This was the mother and kid section.
Janet 59: Cute or what?
Janet 59: Crafty stuff
Janet 59: Silly
Janet 59: Fair ground
Janet 59: Bored cats!
Janet 59: Want to stroke my fur?
Janet 59: Multi-winner
Janet 59: Engines!
Janet 59: Vintage cars ..
Janet 59: Cute!
Janet 59: Balloon anyone?
Janet 59: Brass band
Janet 59: Horse jumping
Janet 59: Mister McGoldrick
Janet 59: Horse Jumping
Janet 59: Not what I expected to see at the Show!
Janet 59: Prize winning sweet peas
Janet 59: Falconry
Janet 59: Who are we?
Janet 59: Hello!