Janet 59: I had a little pre-birthday lunch with my friend
Janet 59: inside
Janet 59: Today I should no longer be Janet 59!!
Janet 59: Me and my sister, Kath
Janet 59: Fred's present
Janet 59: look what's opened on my birthday!
Janet 59: birthday Dilly
Janet 59: I'm 8 today!
Janet 59: Dilly meets Barney the Bullfrog
Janet 59: Wow - he looks alive!
Janet 59: Fank you Aunty Ruth :))
Janet 59: Yummmmmmmmmm!
Janet 59: Mum, why is it snowing on our birthday?
Janet 59: birthday dinner!
Janet 59: Phew - she likes it!
Janet 59: yummy :)))
Janet 59: My silliest birthday card
Janet 59: Barney looks a bit cross
Janet 59: Ben, me and Lucy
Janet 59: The birthday boy!
Janet 59: Pretty
Janet 59: Hey Champy - how old are you today?
Janet 59: Hey everybody!!
Janet 59: It's Mrs Ducke's birthday
Janet 59: Happy Birthday beeble!
Janet 59: Happy Birthday Tori!!
Janet 59: Where's the birthday boy?
Janet 59: Happy Birthday Forrest :))))
Janet 59: Happy Birthday Pasta!!
Janet 59: It's velcroflamingo's birthday today!!!