eagletarn: Daegan going for the bird
eagletarn: Daegan
eagletarn: E. Great Fivepenny "Daegan" (mr. red)
eagletarn: watering the dogs
eagletarn: E. Great Gunn
eagletarn: Gunny
eagletarn: E. Great Gunn
eagletarn: E. Duenorth Glory Days
eagletarn: Gunny at 10 wks
eagletarn: Gunny (Teal Boy)
eagletarn: red boy 6 wks-1
eagletarn: tail girl 7 wks
eagletarn: head girl head, Mr. Teal in the back and half a Mr. Blue head
eagletarn: Mr. Yellow looking sad
eagletarn: Mr. Red seemingly above it all
eagletarn: Blue boy 7 wks.
eagletarn: crate full of happy pups
eagletarn: waiting for their food
eagletarn: Red collar boy
eagletarn: red boy
eagletarn: purple boy
eagletarn: tail base girl
eagletarn: Daegan (Teddy x Jazz)
eagletarn: Daegan
eagletarn: Gunny