Matt-The Mechanic: Leaving Oku-tama Station
Matt-The Mechanic: Ome EMU arriving
Matt-The Mechanic: Just arrived
Matt-The Mechanic: Old EMU arriving to Oku-tama station
Matt-The Mechanic: Oku-tama station
Matt-The Mechanic: Near Tachikawa
Matt-The Mechanic: Okutama Station
Matt-The Mechanic: Track 2 at Okutama station
Matt-The Mechanic: EMU preparing to leave
Matt-The Mechanic: Ome line curve
Matt-The Mechanic: EMU arriving
Matt-The Mechanic: Going down
Matt-The Mechanic: The passage area
Matt-The Mechanic: Track 1 did connect to the mill
Matt-The Mechanic: JR Ome line
Matt-The Mechanic: Tracks 1 and 2 at Okutama Station
Matt-The Mechanic: Set pulling into Ome
Matt-The Mechanic: JR Ome set
Matt-The Mechanic: JR Ome set arriving
Matt-The Mechanic: JR Ome set on a branch line
Matt-The Mechanic: JR Ome set
Matt-The Mechanic: Ome set arriving
Matt-The Mechanic: JR Chuo sets in Hachioji