birderbear: Baird's Sandpiper
birderbear: Bald Eagle (with Herring Gulls)
birderbear: Bald Eagle
birderbear: Bald Eagle
birderbear: Baltimore Oriole (f) and Bullock's/Baltimore hybrid fledgling
birderbear: Baltimore Oriole (f) with Baltimore/Bullock's hybrid fledgling
birderbear: Baltimore Oriole (f) feeding Baltimore/Bullock's hybrid fledging
birderbear: Baltimore Oriole (f)
birderbear: Baltimore Oriole (f)
birderbear: Band-tailed Pigeon
birderbear: Bank Swallow
birderbear: Bank Swallow
birderbear: Bank Swallow
birderbear: Barn Owl
birderbear: Barn Owl
birderbear: Barn Owl
birderbear: Barn Owl
birderbear: Barn Owl
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barn Swallow
birderbear: Barrow's Goldeneye
birderbear: Barrow's Goldeneyes (1 f, 2 m)
birderbear: Barrow's Goldeneye pair
birderbear: Barrow's Goldeneye
birderbear: Barrow's Goldeneye