dtk_guy: あけましておめでとうございます。
dtk_guy: The Big Lip of Snow
dtk_guy: Let's see.... How does one get into that phone booth?
dtk_guy: Latte Coffee at Cafe Labo
dtk_guy: Egads! The snow was "That" deep?
dtk_guy: 10 Different Ingredients "Sho Buta Nabe" 塩豚鍋
dtk_guy: Menu for the Dinner and a Serving of Salad
dtk_guy: The "Whatchamacallit" River
dtk_guy: Highway in the Middle of Nowhere
dtk_guy: Possibly Kurikoyama (栗小山)
dtk_guy: Ice Dawg
dtk_guy: Frozen raw eggs