awwashburn: AW and Arthur
awwashburn: Campana Fruit Jungle
awwashburn: Campana
awwashburn: Campana
awwashburn: Campana House Kites
awwashburn: Campana front yard and runway.
awwashburn: My office
awwashburn: Brazil 2007 234
awwashburn: Hard at work...
awwashburn: Jair e Arthur
awwashburn: Brazil 2007 019-2
awwashburn: Brazil 2007 020-2
awwashburn: My other office and office mate
awwashburn: Negao
awwashburn: Ouch!
awwashburn: Reconsidering
awwashburn: Brazil 2007 003-2
awwashburn: Brazil 2007 006-2
awwashburn: Playing Vet
awwashburn: "Oh oh oh"
awwashburn: Cow boys and girls
awwashburn: Negao
awwashburn: Negao
awwashburn: Negao
awwashburn: Quem eh?
awwashburn: Negao
awwashburn: Leandro e Negao
awwashburn: AW e Leandro