ALGI: 000_0390
ALGI: Magnus
ALGI: 000_0388
ALGI: Inspector
ALGI: Real Inspector Hound
ALGI: Find and eliminate the polkadot blonde
ALGI: Hold on to what?
ALGI: Full metal alana
ALGI: it's the devil and you like it
ALGI: Starring cynthia
ALGI: Hairdo: The making of
ALGI: 2 lowly kitchen wenches
ALGI: Alana as Hendrikje
ALGI: Roos as Rietje
ALGI: 18th C hairstyles
ALGI: The brothers
ALGI: Belle's parents
ALGI: M. de Charrière & Belle van Zuylen soon to be Madame de Charrière
ALGI: Tante, young Belle, older Belle
ALGI: de rijken - the wealthy Zuilen ladies