WAN–IFRA: Martina Lenk, Madsack Online, Peter Stefan Herbst, Saarbrücker Zeitung, opened the second day with a summary of the afternoon sessions on Wednesday.
WAN–IFRA: Frank Schirrmacher, Publisher, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, gave the opening keynote on Thursday.
WAN–IFRA: Frank Schirrmacher, Publisher, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, gave the opening keynote on Thursday.
WAN–IFRA: Audience on Thursday morning
WAN–IFRA: Frank Schirrmacher answering Martina Lenk's questions.
WAN–IFRA: Audience on Thursday morning.
WAN–IFRA: Christoph Schuh, Chairman, Tomorrow Focus, spoke about their formulas for success and trends in the digital business.
WAN–IFRA: Christoph Schuh, Chairman, Tomorrow Focus, spoke about their formulas for success and trends in the digital business.
WAN–IFRA: Georg Burtscher, Managing Director Marketing and Sales, RussMedia Digital, presented "Solutions for the local advertiser – display is not enough"
WAN–IFRA: Georg Burtscher, Managing Director Marketing and Sales, RussMedia Digital, presented "Solutions for the local advertiser – display is not enough"
WAN–IFRA: Networking during the break.
WAN–IFRA: Networking during the break.
WAN–IFRA: Networking during the break.
WAN–IFRA: Ioana Sträter, WAN-IFRA, took the stage to explain the concept of the World Publishing Expo
WAN–IFRA: Mark Challinor, Director of Mobile Platforms, Telegraph Media Group, "Pick me up in mobile"
WAN–IFRA: Mark Challinor, Director of Mobile Platforms, Telegraph Media Group, "Pick me up in mobile"
WAN–IFRA: Mark Challinor and Peter Stefan Herbst, after Mark's entertaining presentation.
WAN–IFRA: Alexander Voges, Area Manager Format Management, Otto Group, explained how Otto as a commercial enterprise is forming the digital change.
WAN–IFRA: Alexander Voges, Area Manager Format Management, Otto Group, explained how Otto as a commercial enterprise is forming the digital change.
WAN–IFRA: Alexander Voges, Area Manager Format Management, Otto Group
WAN–IFRA: Earl J. Wilkinson, Executive Director and CEO, INMA, gave a presentation on "What's new, what's hot?"
WAN–IFRA: Earl J. Wilkinson, Executive Director and CEO, INMA, gave a presentation on "What's new, what's hot?"
WAN–IFRA: Hans-Joachim Fuhrmann, BDZV, closed the conference and thanked the moderators Martina Lenk and Peter Stefan Herbst