JsnBkr: Yellow-rumped Warbler
JsnBkr: Yellow-rumped Warbler
JsnBkr: Yellow-rumped Warbler
JsnBkr: Hermit Thrush
JsnBkr: Hermit Thrush
JsnBkr: Fox Sparrow
JsnBkr: Eastern Phoebe
JsnBkr: Great Blue Heron
JsnBkr: Double-crested Cormorants
JsnBkr: Red-winged Blackbird
JsnBkr: Brown-headed Cowbird
JsnBkr: Song Sparrow
JsnBkr: Tree Swallow in flight
JsnBkr: Common Grackle
JsnBkr: Common Grackle
JsnBkr: Canada Goose
JsnBkr: Turkey Vulture
JsnBkr: Pie-billed Grebe
JsnBkr: Blue-winged Teals in flight
JsnBkr: American Wigeon
JsnBkr: American Wigeon
JsnBkr: Double-crested Cormorant
JsnBkr: American White Pelican
JsnBkr: American White Pelican
JsnBkr: Cooper's Hawk
JsnBkr: Pie-billed Grebe
JsnBkr: Tree Swallows
JsnBkr: Osprey
JsnBkr: Eastern Bluebird
JsnBkr: The rare Denis with one "n"