AlexLamoreaux: Leucistic Redhead (center) mixed with Redhead, Greater Scaup, and Tufted Duck (bottom center)
AlexLamoreaux: Tufted Duck - Oswego Harbor
AlexLamoreaux: Tufted Duck - Oswego Harbor
AlexLamoreaux: Glaucous Gull - Oswego Harbor
AlexLamoreaux: Iceland Gull - Oswego Harbor
AlexLamoreaux: Pine Grosbeak - Collins Landing
AlexLamoreaux: Pine Grosbeak - Collins Landing
AlexLamoreaux: Pine Grosbeak - Collins Landing
AlexLamoreaux: Pine Grosbeak - Collins Landing
AlexLamoreaux: Bald Eagle - Thousand Islands
AlexLamoreaux: Herring Gull - Amherst Island
AlexLamoreaux: Rough-legged Hawk (immature light type)--Amherst Island
AlexLamoreaux: Black-capped Chickadee - Amherst Island
AlexLamoreaux: Northern Shrike - Amherst Island
AlexLamoreaux: Snowy Owl - Amherst Island
AlexLamoreaux: Peregrine Falcon - Giroux Rd
AlexLamoreaux: Peregrine Falcon - Giroux Rd
AlexLamoreaux: Great Gray Owl - Rockcliffe Parkway
AlexLamoreaux: Great Gray Owls - Rockcliffe Parkway
AlexLamoreaux: Melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrel - Ottawa
AlexLamoreaux: Barrow's Goldeneye - Ottawa
AlexLamoreaux: Boreal Owl - Canada
AlexLamoreaux: Boreal Owl - Canada
AlexLamoreaux: Boreal Owl - Canada
AlexLamoreaux: Bohemian Waxwing - Ottawa
AlexLamoreaux: Bohemian Waxwing - Ottawa
AlexLamoreaux: Bohemian Waxwings - Ottawa
AlexLamoreaux: Northern Hawk Owl - Ottawa
AlexLamoreaux: Red-breasted Nuthatch - Algonquin Prov. Park
AlexLamoreaux: Boreal Chickadee - Algonquin Prov. Park