Erlestoke7812: 1054 and 45596 Bahamas Oxenhope
Erlestoke7812: 45596 Bahamas Haworth
Erlestoke7812: 45212 and 44871 Oakworth Mill
Erlestoke7812: D0226 Vulcan Haworth Yard
Erlestoke7812: 52044 and 78022 Haworth Yard
Erlestoke7812: 1054 and 45596 Bahamas Oxenhope
Erlestoke7812: 45690 Leander Mytholmes Tunnel
Erlestoke7812: 78022, D0226 Vulcan and 45407 The Lancashire Fusilier Haworth Yard
Erlestoke7812: 1054 and 85 Mytholmes Curve
Erlestoke7812: 78022 Haworth Yard
Erlestoke7812: 45690 Leander Mytholmes Tunnel
Erlestoke7812: 45596 Bahamas and 45690 Leander Oakworth