Erlestoke7812: 32 Gothernburg and 419 Summerseat
Erlestoke7812: 32 Gothernburg and 419 Summerseat
Erlestoke7812: 419 Summerseat
Erlestoke7812: 78018 Ramsbottom
Erlestoke7812: 80097 Ramsbottom
Erlestoke7812: 80080 and 34092 City of Wells Burrs Country Park Halt
Erlestoke7812: 52322 and 2890 Burrs Country Park Halt
Erlestoke7812: 419 Ramsbottom
Erlestoke7812: 2890 and 52322 Burrs Country Park
Erlestoke7812: 34092 City of Wells Burrs Country Park
Erlestoke7812: 34092 City of Wells and 419 Ramsbottom
Erlestoke7812: 34092 City of Wells and 419 Ramsbottom
Erlestoke7812: 80080 and 78018 Ramsbottom
Erlestoke7812: 52322 Bury
Erlestoke7812: 80097 Bury