hikenhi: My pack with Mount Whitney and Mount Russell in the background.
hikenhi: Mount Whitney
hikenhi: Looking up towards the summit of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: A close-up of the Mount Whitney "Mountaineers Route."
hikenhi: Just trying to stay warm around 13,000ft on a day where the temperature never got above freezing. Mount Whitney and Mount Russell in the background.
hikenhi: My sub-30lbs of equipment.
hikenhi: Mount Whitney, 12/2012
hikenhi: Tulainyo Lake, "The Highest Lake in California," 12/2012
hikenhi: 25 degree smile at 12,875ft.
hikenhi: Mount Whitney
hikenhi: Mount Whitney alpine glow.
hikenhi: Ownes Valley sunrise take from 12,860ft near Mount Russell, 12/2012
hikenhi: Some ice climbers below Thor Peak on the shady side North Fork of Lone Pine Creek.
hikenhi: The Ice Falls below Thor Peak on the North Fork side of Lone Pine Creek.
hikenhi: The Whitney Portal Road as seen from near the lower Boy Scout Lake.
hikenhi: My lower basecamp near the lower Boy Scout Lake.
hikenhi: Looking up towards Mount Whitney from near the lower Boy Scout Lake.
hikenhi: Me and my fatigued body after successfully summiting Mount Whitney via the Mountaineers Route.
hikenhi: The true class 3 just leading up to the summit plateau of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: Mount Russell as seen from atop of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: Looking down towards Whitney Portal from the summit of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: The Pinnicale Ridge that seperates the North and South forks, Mountaineer's Route and Whintey Trail from atop of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: Me atop of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: Me atop of Mount Whitney signing the summit log.
hikenhi: The Summit Hut atop of Mount Whitney.
hikenhi: Looking south from atop of Mount Whitney you can spot another 14er--Mount Langley.
hikenhi: Mount Russell as seen on my way towards the summit of Mount Whitney along the Mountaineers Route.
hikenhi: I'm finished with the long cold and windy shoot up the Mountaineers Route. Just the steep class 3 climb to the summit plateau now.
hikenhi: Cold, windy, and steep.
hikenhi: Iceberg Lake down below along the Mountaineers Route.