odonata9: Walking
odonata9: Anna cooks up dinner
odonata9: neato flowers
odonata9: Even an owl enjoys snuggles
odonata9: Rich and Ranger
odonata9: Ranger gives Rich a piece of his mind
odonata9: Butterflies
odonata9: Mantis amongst the flowers
odonata9: Butterfly amongst the asters
odonata9: Eating chips and declicious homemade salsa
odonata9: Her expressions just crack me up
odonata9: Isabella offers me a chip
odonata9: Isabella shows me her cricket friend
odonata9: Playing in the backyard
odonata9: Becca gets a boost
odonata9: Mike, Becca, Isabella, and Anna
odonata9: Ranger the barred owl
odonata9: Ranger and Rich
odonata9: Mom & Raymond
odonata9: And then he fell
odonata9: Mike on mower
odonata9: Mom & Hugh open wedding cards
odonata9: Mom opening wedding gifts
odonata9: Should have used the flash