Claus N: ISU Employees
Claus N: Sunset
Claus N: Bus Ride
Claus N: DSC_7889a
Claus N: DSC_7890a
Claus N: Boarding the Boat
Claus N: Boats at the Mooring
Claus N: Orange County Sherrif Boat
Claus N: Harbor Properties
Claus N: Buoy with Sea Lions
Claus N: Buoy with Sea Lions
Claus N: Photo Time
Claus N: On the Boat
Claus N: Buoy with Sea Lions
Claus N: On the Boat
Claus N: On the Boat
Claus N: Balboa Island Ferry
Claus N: On the Boat
Claus N: Bay Homes
Claus N: Sailing School
Claus N: Fancy Bay Home
Claus N: Restaurant at Night