BeaAuTexas: Diligentia maximum etiam mediocris ingeni subsidium
BeaAuTexas: the only thing resembling to the Alps in the NL...
BeaAuTexas: Haagse morgen
BeaAuTexas: Maeslantkering
BeaAuTexas: Maeslantkering
BeaAuTexas: Maeslantkering
BeaAuTexas: Maeslantkering
BeaAuTexas: vuurtoren
BeaAuTexas: Ice cream anyone?
BeaAuTexas: There must be a reason why this is the one light of this kind on the promenade...
BeaAuTexas: things on pole.
BeaAuTexas: north/left/babord/port side of Scheveningen harbour entrance
BeaAuTexas: first time we lived here, I kept on wondering whether they would ever be used ;-)
BeaAuTexas: those things you do for fashion
BeaAuTexas: call for fight?
BeaAuTexas: snow moss
BeaAuTexas: West of Nordeinde
BeaAuTexas: Nordeinde
BeaAuTexas: Old and snowed in.
BeaAuTexas: Reflection of Nieuwe Kerk
BeaAuTexas: Reflection of Nieuwe Kerk
BeaAuTexas: Brielle
BeaAuTexas: Brielle