moffatross: Butterflies congregating by a small burn
moffatross: Green veined white butterflies
moffatross: The track through Carrifran Glen
moffatross: Blaeberries
moffatross: Scree and heather climb through the crags
moffatross: Waterfalls at the head of Carrifran Glen
moffatross: Carrifran Glen
moffatross: Games Castle
moffatross: Hare's Tail Cotton Grass
moffatross: View towards the Saddle Yokes
moffatross: Cobwebbed grasses
moffatross: On the way down to the Loch Skeen camp
moffatross: Trangia porridge at Loch Skeen near Moffat
moffatross: Camp at 6.30 am
moffatross: Fresh loch trout for 2nd course at breakfast
moffatross: Cloudberries at Rotten Bottom
moffatross: Hart Fell trig point
moffatross: Goats grazing above Black Hope
moffatross: Colony of bracken on a fallen tree