tough enough: Dirty and Liking it!
tough enough: Leading the Way!
tough enough: My Cowboy!
tough enough: Nothing like a good smooch!
tough enough: My Boy Blue
tough enough: Just because...
tough enough: Did you Say Dinner??
tough enough: My Main Squeeze!
tough enough: Blue, Mac and Bailey
tough enough: LIttle Beggers
tough enough: Feeling Frisky
tough enough: Running 1,000 Views
tough enough: Can't get rid of him!
tough enough: A Sunny Sunday!
tough enough: He did His good Deed!!!!
tough enough: Me and My Boy Blue (photo by Kim curlytoppoodle)
tough enough: Feel The Christmas Love!
tough enough: A Man for Each Arm!
tough enough: My Own Backyard!
tough enough: Still my Main Squeeze.....
tough enough: Me and My Boy Blue!
tough enough: The Boy Still Has "IT"!
tough enough: Suffering for the Cause!!!!!!
tough enough: My Boy Blue
tough enough: An old man needs his nap!
tough enough: It's Good To Be Alive!
tough enough: My Boy Blue