newcastlenow: back of beaded fern, curling as it dries
newcastlenow: Close up of beaded fern back
newcastlenow: Ostrich fern's "fertile fronds"
newcastlenow: Side yard sycamore
newcastlenow: Comfy chair
newcastlenow: Compost corral made of split rails and logs
newcastlenow: Teahouse overlooking pond
newcastlenow: Compost recipe: 50% leaves; 50% horse manure
newcastlenow: Compost mound under weeping beech
newcastlenow: With last year's beaded wood fern
newcastlenow: Pond with goldfish
newcastlenow: Cinnamon ferns at three inches
newcastlenow: Cinnamon fern fiddle heads
newcastlenow: Oriental teahouse rebuilt by the family
newcastlenow: Ostrich ferns begin again, golden nubs
newcastlenow: A single plume of ostrich fern's "fertile frond"
newcastlenow: Ancient sycamore
newcastlenow: A surprise gift from a son