CarrieM213: 7 am, Foley Square, OWS people gather after a long night
CarrieM213: A GA at Foley Square
CarrieM213: Salvaged flag
CarrieM213: Foley Square
CarrieM213: A Think Tank at Foley Square, 7:30 am
CarrieM213: Foley Square. Member of Legal Team reading injuction saying we are allowed back into Zuccotti.
CarrieM213: March around City Hall
CarrieM213: March around City Hall
CarrieM213: March around City Hall
CarrieM213: March around City Hall
CarrieM213: March around City Hall. Riot cops.
CarrieM213: March around City Hall
CarrieM213: March around City Hall
CarrieM213: March on Canal. So kind of the cops to chaperone us.
CarrieM213: At Duarte Plaza. 9 am.
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square. 9 a.m.
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square. 9 a.m.
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square. Interfaith ministers
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square: Hipster Cop!
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square: Hipster Cop!
CarrieM213: At Duarte Square: Oodles of cops