deborahlebl: At Mass. General Hospital, waiting for our baby to arrive 10-16-2014
deborahlebl: The view out the window at MGH 10-16-2014
deborahlebl: In our labor & delivery suite at MGH 10-16-2014
deborahlebl: DSCN4953
deborahlebl: Daddy waits for his baby to arrive 10-16-2014
deborahlebl: Doing a puzzle to pass the time 10-16-2014
deborahlebl: DSCN4956
deborahlebl: It rained while we were in the hospital 10-16-2014
deborahlebl: It's a boy! Maximilian Randall Lebl's very first photograph 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: The doctors cleaned him up and Daddy cut the cord 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: My very first diaper 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: Max & Mummy meet for the very first time 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: Max's birthday was sunny and warm 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: A view of Boston on Max's birthday 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: A view of Cambridge on Max's birthday 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: Max bonds with Mummy 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: Max bonds with Mummy 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: Let's get to know each other 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: Our first photo together - Bonding with Daddy on my birthday 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: happy birthday to me! 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: sleeping on my birthday 10-17-2014
deborahlebl: my first swaddle 10-18-2014
deborahlebl: I slept pretty much all day 10-18-2014
deborahlebl: in the hospital 10-18-2014
deborahlebl: Max & Mimi meet for the first time 10-18-2014
deborahlebl: Max & Mimi meet for the first time 10-18-2014
deborahlebl: Max & Mimi meet for the first time 10-18-2014
deborahlebl: sleeping the day away 10-19-2014
deborahlebl: Look at my beautiful face! 10-19-2014
deborahlebl: getting ready to go home 10-19-2014