cuda2k: Red Wing Blackbird (Immature)
cuda2k: IMG_0833-Edit.jpg
cuda2k: Yellowstone Buffalo
cuda2k: American Goldfinch - Palo Duro Canyon State Park
cuda2k: IMG_7825.jpg
cuda2k: White Winged Dove - Palo Duro Canyon State Park
cuda2k: Brown Thrasher - Palo Duro State Park, Texas Panhandle
cuda2k: IMG_7857.jpg
cuda2k: House Finch at the house
cuda2k: IMG_0796.jpg
cuda2k: Barn Swallow - Vashon Island
cuda2k: IMG_0420.jpg
cuda2k: Spotted Towhee
cuda2k: IMG_7930.jpg
cuda2k: White Winged Dove
cuda2k: IMG_7700.jpg
cuda2k: House finch on the sage bush
cuda2k: IMG_1784.jpg
cuda2k: Cattle Egret
cuda2k: Three-Toed Box Turtle
cuda2k: Stellar's Jay - Newport, Oregon