DymphieH: Types of clouds 1803
DymphieH: Radiolaria plate 114 . Challener 1873-1876
DymphieH: Chichester Bell's singing water-jet 1912
DymphieH: Window view of Flagship Plane c 1890
DymphieH: Total solar eclipse 1874
DymphieH: Ganymede Jupiter's largest moon (Voyager 2 1979)
DymphieH: Optics 1850
DymphieH: Eiffel Tower : erection of upper section 1888
DymphieH: Charts 12 L interesting objects for the telescope (A Hanbook and atlas of Astronomy 1891)
DymphieH: The Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853 (Central Hall)
DymphieH: Tenerife and Indonesia : insects 1837-1840
DymphieH: Time laps of a greyhound running 1872-1885 b E.J. Muybridge
DymphieH: Copper ore 1869
DymphieH: Salted paper print 1835
DymphieH: Eclipses (Handbook and Atlas of Asronomy) 1891
DymphieH: Solar microscope producing a spectrum 1776
DymphieH: Diagram of metereology 1846
DymphieH: The planets : treaching card by James Reynolds & Sons 1860
DymphieH: Thomas Edison's filament lamp 1879
DymphieH: Japan British Exhibition 1910 guide
DymphieH: Surface of the moon
DymphieH: Geological map of the moon 1967 (Lunar orbiter 4)
DymphieH: Geissler tubes showing electric discharges through gasses 1858
DymphieH: Earth 1972 (Apollo 17)
DymphieH: Terrestial sn lunar volcanic areas compared 1874
DymphieH: Penicillin growing in a petrie dish 1953
DymphieH: Landsat image of the Amazon 1972
DymphieH: Lathe shop in the Marine engineering Department 1902