gailpar99: Group photo at Big Pine trailhead
gailpar99: Big Pine trailhead with one dog
gailpar99: pine-hyacinth
gailpar99: florida phlox
gailpar99: catface in pine tree
gailpar99: emerging leaves on pignut hickory
gailpar99: trail in Big Pine tract
gailpar99: Barred owl
gailpar99: Old state rd 5 bridge
gailpar99: coral honeysuckle
gailpar99: green-eyes
gailpar99: beautiful day
gailpar99: along US 41
gailpar99: P1090469
gailpar99: Crossing Snow Memorial
gailpar99: P1090471
gailpar99: P1090472
gailpar99: Chinesgut WEA trailhead at US 41
gailpar99: we go that-a-way
gailpar99: buckeye butterfly
gailpar99: lupine
gailpar99: fringed bluestar
gailpar99: white fringed bluestar
gailpar99: sparkleberry
gailpar99: Mays Prairie
gailpar99: Wildlife viewing blind on May's Prairie
gailpar99: patch of fringed bluestar
gailpar99: How do you like my new USF cap/
gailpar99: hmm, where's my cap?
gailpar99: Is that it on Carly's head?