rebecca.skirvin: BFL from Illinois Green Pastures Cooperative
coopcomp: Criation Station Tasty Fiber Treats Spearmint. spun 2 ply
rebecca.skirvin: 2 ply merino and silk blend, approx. 150 grams
coopcomp: IMG_3081 - Version 2
sarah_braund: IMG_20130420_221949.jpg
marseille_m: chanala and photoknitdog
rebecca.skirvin: Italian Cruise/Moving Cardi, January 9, 2013
NerdGirl985: IMAG0848
tskirvin: Wedding Shawl
mkwhite11: IMG_1301
mkwhite11: IMG_1356
bijouxmaster: Flingers hanging out
LNelkin: Entomology Afternoon
obsidian178: IMG_0041
obsidian178: IMG_0086
obsidian178: IMG_0088
obsidian178: IMG_0107
obsidian178: IMG_0108