noisycorner: Ted Neal's Soda Kiln Build
noisycorner: it'll go right here
noisycorner: laying out the size
noisycorner: moving that to a flat place
noisycorner: chopping steel
noisycorner: setting the frame
noisycorner: welding the frame
noisycorner: adding legs
noisycorner: corner detail
noisycorner: with braces added, the end of day one, first shift
noisycorner: the second shift made a lot of progress
noisycorner: soft brick shapers
noisycorner: setting the hard brick around the door
noisycorner: and around the burner ports
noisycorner: is it level?
noisycorner: the end of day 2, first shift
noisycorner: wow! look at what they did
noisycorner: forms for arch
noisycorner: checking the arch