noisycorner: this was my street for a couple of months
noisycorner: the green green grass
noisycorner: quintessentially NY
noisycorner: the brand new brooklyn bridge park
noisycorner: brooklyn bridge park
noisycorner: brooklyn bridge park
noisycorner: people watching the world cup
noisycorner: ice cream and moon
noisycorner: swap apartment building
noisycorner: brooklyn bridge park
noisycorner: pretty, pretty
noisycorner: brooklyn heights is soo pretty
noisycorner: red currants at the brooklyn city hall farmer's market
noisycorner: "if you can not be a golden pippin don't turn crab apple"
noisycorner: david and martin, dumbo pioneers
noisycorner: The Key to the City kiosk, Times Square
noisycorner: presenting keys to each other, signing the book
noisycorner: Key to the City!
noisycorner: watching the world cup
noisycorner: view from the brooklyn promenade
noisycorner: dance troupe practicing on the promenade
noisycorner: High Line