kateach: Viola
kateach: Delicate bloom
kateach: Tiny white flowers
kateach: Frosted berries
kateach: Swinging balls and my kitchen and me.
kateach: Flowers and berries
kateach: Beaded swan
kateach: Crocus stamen
kateach: Purple crocus
kateach: Ready to unfurl
kateach: Aquilegea
kateach: Close to California
kateach: Petal - captured
kateach: Good morning sunshine
kateach: Thistle bud
kateach: Leaf bowl
kateach: Banana delight
kateach: Swallowtail in profile
kateach: Owl butterfly feasting
kateach: Butterfly world
kateach: A ukulele
kateach: O what a tangled web we weave
kateach: Hit the nail