penwren: Bruges faces 8
penwren: bruges faces 6
penwren: bruges faces 5
penwren: bruges faces 4
penwren: bruges faces 3
penwren: bruges faces 2
penwren: watching
penwren: on glass
penwren: piercing
penwren: smiling within
penwren: rural lives lived
penwren: the mayor remembered
penwren: twelve enigmatic smiles
penwren: focus
penwren: stare (Explore)
penwren: enough of grey!
penwren: john wesley (behind glass)
penwren: Mr. Punch (behind glass)
penwren: "That's the way to do it!"
penwren: "Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by his heart, and his friends can only read the title." Virginia Woolf
penwren: woodland faces
penwren: winter storage
penwren: a face in the park
penwren: thronged the air
penwren: cherubic curls and curlicues 1595 (ii) colour version
penwren: "on the further bank the willows wept in perpetual lamentation, their hair about their shoulders."
penwren: In Bruges. face (3)
penwren: In Bruges. face (2)
penwren: In Bruges. face (1)
penwren: mindfulness