penwren: patterns and rushes
penwren: lighting Château de Chaumont
penwren: Chaumont-sur-Loire, France.
penwren: the art of the garden
penwren: “Untitled” by El Anatsui
penwren: tapestry
penwren: blue twirling
penwren: at Château de Chaumont garden festival
penwren: watching
penwren: "hey! you down there!"
penwren: on glass
penwren: The harvest, on glass
penwren: piercing
penwren: embossed
penwren: Seen scenes
penwren: blues and greens on a French river
penwren: hilltop in Allier, Auvergne, central France.
penwren: sleeves optional
penwren: piercing (2)
penwren: curls and curves
penwren: Seen scenes series
penwren: after
penwren: in a village in Allier, France.
penwren: at the café
penwren: the fourth is for luck
penwren: wall wounds
penwren: scored and scarred
penwren: line-caught
penwren: river craft
penwren: thank you to the artisan boulanger