Vin Browne:
Willow Tit ; Parus montanus
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Chiffchaff ; Phylloscopus collybita.
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Grey wagtail ; Motacilla cinerea.
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Buzzard ; Buteo buteo,
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Chiffchaff ; Phylloscopus collybita.
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Long-tailed Tit : Aegithalos caudatus.
Vin Browne:
Long-tailed Tit : Aegithalos caudatus.
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Swallow ; Hirundo rustica
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Sedge Warbler ; Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Firsby res.
Vin Browne:
Sedge Warbler ; Acrocephalus schoenobaenus.
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Goldcrest ; Regulus regulus.
Vin Browne:
Goldcrest ; Regulus regulus
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Reed Bunting ; Emberiza schoeniclus ♂
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Grasshopper Warbler ; Locustella naevia.
Vin Browne:
Grasshopper Warbler ; Locustella naevia.
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Barn Swallow ; Hirundo rustica.
Vin Browne:
Grasshopper Warbler ; Locustella naevia.
Vin Browne:
Grasshopper Warbler ; Locustella naevia
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Chiffchaff on the move
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Tree creeper ; Certhia familiaris
Vin Browne:
Reed Bunting on the Reed Mace
Vin Browne:
Great Spotted Woodpecker ; Dendrocops major, female ♀️ .
Vin Browne:
Great Spotted Woodpecker ; Dendrocops major, male ♂️,
Vin Browne:
Buzzard ; Buteo buteo.