Vin Browne:
Black-necked Grebe ; Podiceps nigricollis.
Vin Browne:
Black necked grebe ; Podiceps nigricollis.
Vin Browne:
Black necked grebes with chicks
Vin Browne:
Teal; Anas crecca, male.
Vin Browne:
Gadwall drake ; Anas strepera
Vin Browne:
Great crested grebe ; Podiceps cristatus.
Vin Browne:
Shelduck Yoga
Vin Browne:
Shelduck ; Tadorna tadorna male
Vin Browne:
Scaup ; Aythya marila ♂ and Tufted Ducks ; Aythya fuligula ♂
Vin Browne:
Scaup ; Aythya marila ♂ and Tufted Duck ; Aythya fuligula♂
Vin Browne:
Scaup ; Aythya marila.♂ Breeds in fjords archipelagos in the far North, Sweden, Norway, Iceland etc. Birch and Willow tundra zones. usually seen in coastal waters in winter.
Vin Browne:
Black necked Grebe : Podiceps nigricollis