Vin Browne:
A few Dunlin ; Calidris alpina.
Vin Browne:
Lapwing, aka Green Plover or Peewit. ; Vanellus vanellus.
Vin Browne:
Avocet ; Recurvirostra avosetta.
Vin Browne:
Avocet ; Recurvirostra avosetta.
Vin Browne:
Black-tailed Godwit ; Limosa limosa.
Vin Browne:
Black-tailed Godwit ; Limosa limosa.
Vin Browne:
What's Black and White and Red all over?
Vin Browne:
'Oi!' Are you lookin' at my bird? Avocet giving me the Evil Eye!! Gulp! 😱