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My Cottage Garden 2018 by Fay Stout
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Fay Stout
Fay Stout
The Dove, the Frog and the Fairy
Fay Stout
Three Doves in a Secret Garden
Fay Stout
Blowing Bubbles in the Garden
Fay Stout
3 Doves in a Fountain
Fay Stout
I love this gentle bird!
Fay Stout
He's Back!
Fay Stout
Fay Stout
Who am I?
Fay Stout
Conehead Katydid
Fay Stout
Bad "Quirrel"!
Fay Stout
Fay Stout
Robin on the Fence
Fay Stout
The Robin... a Harbinger of Spring!
Fay Stout
"OH! You scared me!"
Fay Stout
Girl "Quirrel"
Fay Stout
YUM! Peanuts!
Fay Stout
"Quirrel" in the Tree
Fay Stout
Fay Stout
Spring is coming...
Fay Stout
Portrait of Henbit Deadnettle...
Fay Stout
And then there were two...
Fay Stout
Freddie the Froggie
Fay Stout
Lizard in a Tree
Fay Stout
I see you!
Fay Stout
Just taking it easy...
Fay Stout
This is MY tree!
Fay Stout
House for Rent
Fay Stout
Assassin in the Garden
Fay Stout
There you are!
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