Fay Stout: Dormant!
Fay Stout: The Dove, the Frog and the Fairy
Fay Stout: Three Doves in a Secret Garden
Fay Stout: Blowing Bubbles in the Garden
Fay Stout: 3 Doves in a Fountain
Fay Stout: I love this gentle bird!
Fay Stout: He's Back!
Fay Stout: Who am I?
Fay Stout: Conehead Katydid
Fay Stout: Bad "Quirrel"!
Fay Stout: Robin on the Fence
Fay Stout: The Robin... a Harbinger of Spring!
Fay Stout: "OH! You scared me!"
Fay Stout: Girl "Quirrel"
Fay Stout: YUM! Peanuts!
Fay Stout: "Quirrel" in the Tree
Fay Stout: Spring is coming...
Fay Stout: Portrait of Henbit Deadnettle...
Fay Stout: And then there were two...
Fay Stout: Freddie the Froggie
Fay Stout: Lizard in a Tree
Fay Stout: I see you!
Fay Stout: Just taking it easy...
Fay Stout: This is MY tree!
Fay Stout: House for Rent
Fay Stout: Assassin in the Garden
Fay Stout: There you are!