Fay Stout: Fairy Garden
Fay Stout: Another look at the fairy garden...
Fay Stout: Another kind of fairy garden...
Fay Stout: Have a Great Day!
Fay Stout: Lost in Thyme
Fay Stout: A brief mid-morning rain shower...
Fay Stout: As seen in the garden...
Fay Stout: Lost in Thyme
Fay Stout: Froggie in the Garden
Fay Stout: A surprise in the little fairy garden...
Fay Stout: Caterpillar forming a "J" as he hangs from the archway.
Fay Stout: Froggie points out the caterpillar in a "J" formation.
Fay Stout: The Froggie and the Caterpillar
Fay Stout: So Happy in the Fairy Garden!
Fay Stout: Ta-da! The Overnight Transformation
Fay Stout: The Succulent Forest
Fay Stout: Lulu in the Fairy Garden
Fay Stout: Lulu Likes the Fairy Garden
Fay Stout: The Sun Shines Brightly in the Fairy Garden
Fay Stout: Be Happy!
Fay Stout: No more rain!
Fay Stout: Fairy Princess
Fay Stout: Troll and Bird
Fay Stout: Troll and Princess
Fay Stout: Thank you Aldi! See how I used this > > >
Fay Stout: Cat With No Hat
Fay Stout: Princess of the Garden Critters
Fay Stout: No rain today Froggie!