Fay Stout: A Lizard's GPS
Fay Stout: "Andy" Anole
Fay Stout: At Peace in the Garden
Fay Stout: Andy... the Anole
Fay Stout: Show-off!
Fay Stout: "Andrea" Anole
Fay Stout: It's a baby!
Fay Stout: Climbing the big hanging basket...
Fay Stout: Where's "Anatole" Anole?
Fay Stout: GOTCHYA!
Fay Stout: It's a game we played!
Fay Stout: Lizard Pole Dancer
Fay Stout: Baby "Anatole" Anole Climbs the Pole
Fay Stout: Pole Dancing on a Hot Afternoon
Fay Stout: Uhmmm... Ma'am...
Fay Stout: "Anatole" Anole
Fay Stout: Hiding in the butterfly bush
Fay Stout: Portrait of "Anatole" Anole
Fay Stout: Surprise! Surprise!
Fay Stout: The Big Gulp
Fay Stout: The Big Gulp continued...
Fay Stout: Look who was hiding...
Fay Stout: Where's "Andy" Anole?
Fay Stout: Hiding in plain sight!
Fay Stout: "Anatole" Anole Goes Hunting
Fay Stout: Climbing the Plant
Fay Stout: What's up there?
Fay Stout: Out on a Leaf
Fay Stout: Got it! YUM!!
Fay Stout: Life is Good!