Fay Stout: BPRC
Fay Stout: Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
Fay Stout: Coming at you!
Fay Stout: Just a little spritz of water...
Fay Stout: Lookin' good!
Fay Stout: Who knew that owls came with "windshield wipers"?
Fay Stout: Who? (Eastern Screech Owl)
Fay Stout: Common Barn Owl
Fay Stout: American Kestrel
Fay Stout: Mississippi Kite
Fay Stout: Peregrine Falcon
Fay Stout: Gold in the Prairie
Fay Stout: Blackland Prairie Raptor Center
Fay Stout: Juvenile Widow Skimmer
Fay Stout: Blackland Prairie Raptor Center 2015
Fay Stout: Great Horned Owl
Fay Stout: Got Mice?
Fay Stout: BPRC