Lil Miss Suzy: How about some time in the sun, huh Suz? how about it?
Lil Miss Suzy: emo mode
Lil Miss Suzy: dressed to impress?
Lil Miss Suzy: Where do you think you're going young man?
Lil Miss Suzy: Read me a story Cloud...
Lil Miss Suzy: A toy car from an Easter egg!
Lil Miss Suzy: Named after the genius behind the fruit company ;-)
Lil Miss Suzy: Good Morning Cloud!
Lil Miss Suzy: DSC_0755
Lil Miss Suzy: Behaved?!@#
Lil Miss Suzy: Cloud trying out the Sake ;-)
Lil Miss Suzy: Cocoa & Cloud
Lil Miss Suzy: Finally! I can say I've been to heaven and back ;-)
Lil Miss Suzy: A new look for Cloud
Lil Miss Suzy: A new look for Cloud
Lil Miss Suzy: A new look for Cloud
Lil Miss Suzy: A new look for Cloud