colleen1956: At the bridge area of Vernal Falls.
colleen1956: Half Dome-8,842 feet (4,800 from valley floor)
colleen1956: Debra from the tunnel view point
colleen1956: Robes for the bath house are in the rooms.
colleen1956: On the May Lake trail
colleen1956: The trail to May Lake can be a puzzle at times.
colleen1956: The start of the sunset, seen from Inspiration Point.
colleen1956: Wawona Hotel, wide verandahs, cottages, pool, golf course and built in 1876.
colleen1956: Another of the 6 buildings
colleen1956: Mariposa Grove fallen tree
colleen1956: Al shows us the size of the pinecones
colleen1956: Al inside a giant sequoia tree.
colleen1956: Colleen's photos-Yosemite