Travel to Eat: Luxor Obelisk (Obélisque de Louxor). Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Base of the Luxor Obelisk with Diagrams Explaining the Machinery that was used for the Transportation and Erection. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Base of the Luxor Obelisk with Diagrams Explaining the Machinery that was used for the Transportation and Erection. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Row of (Obscene) Baboons from Luxor. Louvre, Paris
Travel to Eat: Fountain of River Commerce and Navigation (1840) with the Hôtel Crillon in the Background. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Fountain of River Commerce and Navigation (1840) with the Hôtel Crillon in the Background. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Water Naiad in the Fountain of River Commerce and Navigation (1840) with the Hôtel Crillon in the Background. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Neoclassical Lamp Post from 1836 with Hôtel Crillon in Background. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Neoclassical Lamp Post from 1836 with Hôtel Crillon in Background. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Neoclassical Lamp Post from 1836 with Hôtel Crillon in Background. Place de la Concorde, Paris
Travel to Eat: Gas Lamp on The Pont Alexandre III in Paris
Travel to Eat: Lamp on The Pont Alexandre III
Travel to Eat: Dolphin Lamp Designed by George Vulliamy (1870). Thames Embankments, London
Travel to Eat: Hôtel de Crillon with Haussmann Light Posts to the Right. Paris
Travel to Eat: Coysevox's Equestrian Statue of Mercury Riding a Winged Horse, at Entrance to the Jardin des Tuileries (1702) with Obelisk of Luxor Behind. Paris, France
Travel to Eat: View of the Entrance to the Tuillary Gardens with Haussmann and Neoclassical Lamp Posts. Paris
Travel to Eat: View of Champs Élisée and Place de Concorde from the Arch de Triomphe. Paris
Travel to Eat: View of Champs Élisée and Place de Concorde from the Arch de Triomphe. Paris
Travel to Eat: L'église de la Madeleine. Paris
Travel to Eat: View of Place de la Concorde from L'église de la Madeleine with Palais Bourbon in Background. Paris