Travel to Eat:
Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Agilkia Island (left) Bigeh Island (right). Egypt
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Remains of Island of Philae Beside Bigeh Island (dotted circle) Seen from Landing on Agilkia Island
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Large Processional Way Lined with Columns. Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Large Processional Way Lined with Columns. Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Thoth (top) and Isis (bottom). Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Unfinished East Collonade of Processional Way, Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Unfinished East Collonade of Processional Way, Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Temple Built by King Nectanebo II from Pilae, Egypt
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Temple Built by King Nectanebo II from Pilae, Egypt
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Entrance to the Temple of Isis from Philae (center) Door to Birth House (left) Gate of Ptolomy II (right)
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Two Lions or Sphinxes at the Entrance to the Temple. Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Entrance to Temple of Isis from Philae and Ptolemy II Gate with Temple of Hathor in Front, Egypt
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Second Pylon and Forecourt. Temple of Isis on Philae, Egypt
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Ptolemaie Land Grant. Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Enhanced View of Top of Land Grant: Ptolemy VI Philometor, and his queen Cleopatra II (two figures far right and left) Isis and Horus (central four figures). Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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First Pylon and Entrance to Forecourt. Temple of Isis on Philae, Egypt
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First Pylon from Forecourt. Temple of Isis on Philae, Egypt
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Forecourt Showing Colonnade and Storerooms. Temple of Isis on Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Forecourt Showing Colonnade and Storerooms. Temple of Isis on Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Mammisi of Horus the Child (Harpocrates) with Hathor Capitals. Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Columns from Large Processional Way. Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Hypostyle Hall at the Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Hypostyle Hall at the Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Hypostyle Hall at the Temple of Isis from Philae, Egypt
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Trajan's Kiosk (Pharaohs Bed) from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Trajan's Kiosk (Pharaohs Bed) from Philae, Egypt
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Temple of Hathor (foreground) Kiosk of Trajan (behind)
Travel to Eat:
Temple of Hathor from Philae, Egypt
Travel to Eat:
Temple of Arensnuphis from Philae, Egypt