ro-co: Black-headed gull (winter plumage) Thanks to keith at Fading Lights
ro-co: Coot. (Fulica Atra)
ro-co: Palawan Peacock Pheasant.
ro-co: Fieldfare
ro-co: I am sat here patiently waiting, but hurry up please, !!!
ro-co: Robin, (Erithacus rubecula)
ro-co: Pigeon Toed.
ro-co: Grey Heron.
ro-co: Pams poorly pigeon.
ro-co: Nuthatch.
ro-co: Little Egret.
ro-co: Goldfinch.
ro-co: You put your right foot in....
ro-co: Give me a kiss!!
ro-co: Green parakeet
ro-co: Sorry It's just Not My colour!!
ro-co: Jay. (Garrulus glandarius)
ro-co: Flycatcher ?
ro-co: Young Goldfinch.
ro-co: New Kid on the Block.
ro-co: Knew my beak was flat for something !!!
ro-co: Reception should be better up here guys!!
ro-co: Ready-Steady-Down it goes.
ro-co: Coming to get you...
ro-co: Where did that go !!!