ro-co: H.B.M.
ro-co: Minster of St. Mary the Virgin
ro-co: Minster of St. Mary the Virgin
ro-co: Minster of St. Mary the Virgin
ro-co: Fieldfare
ro-co: It's Mine all Mine...
ro-co: Waiting for the Goldfish...
ro-co: H.F.F.
ro-co: They said It's "squirrel. proof".... Oh no it isn't.
ro-co: Cut what off ??
ro-co: Blakes Lock, River Kennet, Reading.
ro-co: I am sat here patiently waiting, but hurry up please, !!!
ro-co: Winter on the hill.
ro-co: Robin, (Erithacus rubecula)
ro-co: Fountain detail.
ro-co: Rowing along the Thames.
ro-co: Ancient and modern, Old Abbey and the New Edge building.
ro-co: From the bedroom window,
ro-co: Snow on a Variegated Holly.
ro-co: Pigeon Toed.
ro-co: Sun Halo.
ro-co: Ice on the Moat.
ro-co: Just where did I bury that nut!!!
ro-co: Winter @ Dunham Massey
ro-co: Winter @ Dunham Massey
ro-co: Winter @ Dunham Massey
ro-co: The Maiwand Lion.
ro-co: Des-Res on the Thames.
ro-co: Not going in there it's freezing..
ro-co: All Mod-Cons Solar powered lights.