ro-co: You're not making this easy you know!!
ro-co: Una Paloma Blanca.
ro-co: I'm sure that light came on then.!!
ro-co: Life in the fast lane.
ro-co: Garden Spider (Explore 21-10-16)
ro-co: No that doesn't smell right..!!
ro-co: Blue Tit.
ro-co: Pancake Tuesday snow
ro-co: Visitor to next doors garden.
ro-co: Robin, (Erithacus rubecula)
ro-co: Kerria Japonica.
ro-co: Flowering Laurel.
ro-co: Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis)
ro-co: Spring has Sprung.!!
ro-co: Leucojum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant'
ro-co: Wren
ro-co: House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
ro-co: Have you seen my nest anywhere ??
ro-co: Goldfinch on the feeder.
ro-co: I will leave you to count them. ( maxine PRO amazing shadows great image . 458 and half spiders ....... and I can prove it !!...........smiles maxxxi. Thank you Maxine for that, and she did..!! .
ro-co: Well I think I'm very clever..!!
ro-co: Robin. (Erithacus rubecula)
ro-co: Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
ro-co: It's not bad here, you get fed every day...!!
ro-co: Starling in flight.
ro-co: Aquilegia
ro-co: Blue Tit. (Parus caeruleus)
ro-co: A little corner of Summer.
ro-co: Penstemon
ro-co: Aquilegia