standhisround: Starvin' Marvin's. American Diner, Greenford. London UK
standhisround: The Spaniards Inn and Old Toll House
standhisround: "Come and Make Eyes At Me"
standhisround: "Cheese and Pickle"
standhisround: "Legend"
standhisround: Ever Walked Against The Masses. You say Sorry a Thousand Times.
standhisround: "Come on you Blues"
standhisround: Wellington, Surrounded by His Entourage of......Carrier Pigeons
standhisround: Finally Found Someone Who Thinks My Captions Are Funny
standhisround: The Pro's Guide to Taking Photos from a Moving Car
standhisround: A Pint of Heavy and a Wee Dram Please Dad...Oh and a Packet of Rusks
standhisround: Thatched House Lodge Cottages Richmond Park Gr London
standhisround: Thatched House Lodge Richmond Park.
standhisround: Londons "Tallest Plane Tree"
standhisround: Kenwood House, Hampstead North London.
standhisround: "Top of the Hill"
standhisround: Aah !........Only 2,614 To Go !!!
standhisround: Here We Stand, Knotted, Gnarled,Gnawed And Pollarded..........But We Stand Together.
standhisround: Ssshhh ! "Keep it Quiet"
standhisround: Lady Eleanor, Lady Elaine, Lady Claire, Lady Niamh and Good Old Mustang Sally
standhisround: "Hidden Gems"
standhisround: OK, ............I Was Tired of Taking Airliners !
standhisround: Glover's Island from Richmond Hill
standhisround: Maids of Honour "1938 Morris Delivery Van" EXM 735
standhisround: Jolly Boys Outing
standhisround: "Traffic Conefest" at the Famous "Ace Cafe"
standhisround: Mr Crabtree Goes Fishing.... Strike...."Now Where Did I Put My Pipe"
standhisround: 'Isn't That Whatshisface' ..'Who'...'Him'...'Could Be'...'Who Cares'
standhisround: Old Isleworth from Thames Path
standhisround: Disused Drawbrige, Gate and Turnstyles for Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew London