staggie34: Hedgehope from Scotsmans Cairn on Cheviot
staggie34: Hedgehope Looms Above Langleeford
staggie34: Larry on Bloodybush Edge
staggie34: Fog Below Humbleton Hill, Cheviots
staggie34: Wisp of Cloud Clings to Glamaig
staggie34: Ropework on Sgurr Sgumain, Black Cuillin
staggie34: Mitch Admires the View on Bruach Na Frithe
staggie34: Rest on Sgurr Sgumain, Black Cuillin
staggie34: Corie Laggan, Black Cuillin
staggie34: Hastie on Bruach Na Frithe
staggie34: Am Bastier from Bruach Na Frithe, Cuillin Ridge
staggie34: Sligachan Campsite, Skye
staggie34: Alt Mor Dearg, near Sligachan
staggie34: Bruach Na Frithe Trig, Skye
staggie34: Usway Burn from Shillhope Law, Cheviots
staggie34: Invervar Horseshoe
staggie34: Loch Morlich from Cairngorm June 1996
staggie34: Looking Towards Beinn Mheadhoin from Cairngorm June 1996
staggie34: Ben Nevis From Commando Memorial, Spean Bridge June 1996
staggie34: Coire Chais from Cairngorm June 1996
staggie34: Looking Over Coire Chais Towards Braeriach From Cairngorm June 1996
staggie34: Loch Morlich from Cairngorm June 1996
staggie34: Cairngorm Weather Station June 1996
staggie34: Dave and Button on Blencathra
staggie34: N&PMC Ascending Blencathra
staggie34: Barry, Bob and Henry at Grisedale Tarn
staggie34: Bob on Swirral Edge
staggie34: Seat Sandal
staggie34: St Sunday Crag from Dollywaggon Pike
staggie34: Swirral Edge