ross_meyerson: maria's nakedness made us all a little uncomfortable.
ross_meyerson: 2 turkeys on the grill
ross_meyerson: someone is slaving over the hot coals. hint: it's not me
ross_meyerson: maria couldn't be more proud
ross_meyerson: she even gets to eat
ross_meyerson: duck! or don't
ross_meyerson: caitlin thought she was in a tool video
ross_meyerson: this girl is NOT asian
ross_meyerson: i'd like to say i did this on purpose. so i will. i did this on purpose
ross_meyerson: we even pout together now.
ross_meyerson: novelty cups!
ross_meyerson: maria looks silly
ross_meyerson: one of the cups had my actual nose/facial hair. i'm suing for copywrite infringement
ross_meyerson: even more cro-magnum me
ross_meyerson: look, maria has a mustache. this will never get old!
ross_meyerson: what if i looked like this? that would be something
ross_meyerson: these all work better on maria
ross_meyerson: haha, i have on lipstick. crazy good fun
ross_meyerson: maria, ruffles, and a carebear
ross_meyerson: same as before but now i'm in the picture
ross_meyerson: little ceramic cameras don't take photos, silly